Saturday, January 30, 2010


Welcome to my blog fam. Appreciate you coming through and seeing what i have to say about different things going on in the world. You all know im an Actor/Comedian, but i like to touch serious topics from time to time. Feel free to follow me on here as i update and give you my perspective on things, and also follow me on twitter..thanks.


Why do men cheat?

Many concerns on why do men cheat. I think men cheat because they are tired of the same process. What i mean by the same process is doing the same things you do on a constant basis. Having sex all the time, arguing, and seperation plays a big roll in this also. Example 1: Having sex consistently. I believe this could lead a man to cheating, because he is doing it with a women so much that it starts to bore him, and now he wants something new. Example 2: Arguing plays a big role being that men dont like to argue as much, and if we continue to hear a womens mouth, we tend to not want to be around her as much and that can lead to a man finding someone else. Example 3: Seperation plays a role because if the women or man is working all the time, or is just not around eachother as much, that bond that they have is being tugged on. What i mean by tugged on is..if a man is at work and hasnt been talking or spending time with his wife, then he is more vulnerable to fall into certain situations that he deep down inside doesnt want to be in. All types of women in his face, and now he is in a mess. When you are in a relationship it seems as though more people are out to get you. While being single its hard to find that one, but then you get in a relationship and everybody wants you. Last but not least, and ego booster. Men like to feel powerful and feel as though we can have every women in the world.

Let me know what you guys think :) i will be updating every other day on real & cool subjects. You all know i do acting/comedy so cut me some slack on my typing ;-)